Bacardi Spiced 750ml
Bacardi Spiced Rum 750ml. The BACARDÍ Master Rum Blenders have created the perfect mixing rum that is blended with natural flavors and spices. Made with aged rum and a hint of smokiness from charred American oak barrels, Bacardi Spiced is a gluten-free rum, blended with natural flavors and spices for a bold, yet smooth taste.Made with aged rum and a hint of smokiness from charred American oak barrels, Bacardi Spiced is a gluten-free rum, blended with natural flavors and spices for a bold, yet smooth taste. This product's ABV % is 35.
In stock
Bacardi Spiced Rum 750ml. The BACARDÍ Master Rum Blenders have created the perfect mixing rum that is blended with natural flavors and spices. Made with aged rum and a hint of smokiness from charred American oak barrels,Bacardi Spiced is a gluten-free rum,blended with natural flavors and spices for a bold,yet smooth taste.Made with aged rum and a hint of smokiness from charred American oak barrels,Bacardi Spiced is a gluten-free rum,blended with natural flavors and spices for a bold,yet smooth taste. This product's ABV % is 35.
Out Of Stock | No |
Weight (Kgs) | 1.5 |
Brand | Bacardi |
Container Type | Glass |
Local or Imported | Imported |
Size | Single Unit |
Region | Catano |
Category | Rum |
Enable | No |
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