Beyerskloof Pinotage 750ml
Beyerskloof Pinotage is arguably South Africa's most famous Pinotage and a true Icon in this category. Selecting and utilising a variety of vineyards from different wine producing districts is part of the blending philosophy, the result being a wine style that is recognized as one of the most consistent wines of its kind in the country. Structured and medium bodied with an abundance of fruit expressions unique to the cultivar.This wine has shown a fruity and enjoyable consistency year after year. The images used are for display purposes only. The vintages shown do not necessarily represent the current vintage.
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Beyerskloof Pinotage is arguably South Africa's most famous Pinotage and a true Icon in this category. Selecting and utilising a variety of vineyards from different wine producing districts is part of the blending philosophy, the result being a wine style that is recognized as one of the most consistent wines of its kind in the country. Structured and medium bodied with an abundance of fruit expressions unique to the cultivar.This wine has shown a fruity and enjoyable consistency year after year.
Out Of Stock | No |
Weight (Kgs) | 1.5 |
Brand | Beyerskloof |
Container Type | Glass |
Local or Imported | Local |
Size | Single Unit |
Region | Stellenbosch |
Category | Red Wine |
Enable | No |
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