Bisquit XO 750ml
A silky, sumptuous cognac crafted by using mainly the most prestigious Eaux De Vie from Grande and Petite champagne crus. Bisquit & Dubouche xo is slowly matured in French oak barrels for a minimum of 10 years.. X.O. is incredibly rich, full-bodied and stunningly smooth. The notes already expressed on the nose are enriched with aromatic notes of plum, mocha, cedar wood and liquorice.
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A silky, sumptuous cognac crafted by using mainly the most prestigious Eaux De Vie from Grande and Petite champagne crus. Bisquit & Dubouche xo is slowly matured in French oak barrels for a minimum of 10 years.. X.O. is incredibly rich, full-bodied and stunningly smooth. The notes already expressed on the nose are enriched with aromatic notes of plum, mocha, cedar wood and liquorice.
Out Of Stock | No |
Weight (Kgs) | 2 |
Brand | Bisquit |
Container Type | Glass |
Local or Imported | Imported |
Size | Single Unit |
Region | Cognac |
Category | Cognac |
Enable | No |
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