Cape Town The Pink Lady Gin 750ml
cape town the pink lady gin is a delightful gin, infused with rose geranium (pelargonium), an indigenous multi-branched shrub. the pink lady gin is named after a famous cape town landmark, the mount nelson hotel, known as ``the pink lady`` due to its salmon coloured exterior walls. a heavenly hint of rose water is added to compliment the natural rose scent of the geranium plant. the pink lady recollects the fun-filled 20’s flapper and the languid sunsets over the atlantic. the addition of a plump strawberry immediately rekindles a cape summer anywhere, anytime.
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cape town the pink lady gin is a delightful gin, infused with rose geranium (pelargonium), an indigenous multi-branched shrub. the pink lady gin is named after a famous cape town landmark, the mount nelson hotel, known as ``the pink lady`` due to its salmon coloured exterior walls. a heavenly hint of rose water is added to compliment the natural rose scent of the geranium plant. the pink lady recollects the fun-filled 20’s flapper and the languid sunsets over the atlantic. the addition of a plump strawberry immediately rekindles a cape summer anywhere, anytime.
Out Of Stock | No |
Weight (Kgs) | 2 |
Container Type | Glass |
Local or Imported | Local |
Size | Single Unit |
Region | Cape Town |
Category | Gin |
Enable | No |
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