Amarula Cream 750ml
Special Price
The Amarula phenomenon is a premium cream liqueur from Africa. Amarula totally dominates the cream liqueur market locally and it has resounding success in some international markets. Amarula is endowed with excellent intrinsics – an accessible and self-indulgent cream made from a unique subequatorial African fruit, the Marula. It has truly unique packaging with strong African icons, such as the African elephant and the Marula fruit..
In stock
The Amarula phenomenon is a premium cream liqueur from Africa. Amarula totally dominates the cream liqueur market locally and it has resounding success in some international markets. Amarula is endowed with excellent intrinsics – an accessible and self-indulgent cream made from a unique subequatorial African fruit, the Marula. It has truly unique packaging with strong African icons, such as the African elephant and the Marula fruit.
Out Of Stock | No |
Weight (Kgs) | 1.5 |
Brand | Amarula |
Container Type | Glass |
Local or Imported | Local |
Size | Single Unit |
Region | Franschhoek |
Enable | No |
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