Bull Dog 750ml
Bulldog is a modern reinterpretation of London Dry Gin, wisely crafted with exotic botanicals making it unexpectedly smooth.12 botanicals include White Poppy from Turkey, along with Dragon Eye and Lotus Leaf from China; adding a layer of distinction to its refreshing citrus notes.
In stock
Bulldog is a modern reinterpretation of London Dry Gin, wisely crafted with exotic botanicals making it unexpectedly smooth.12 botanicals include White Poppy from Turkey, along with Dragon Eye and Lotus Leaf from China; adding a layer of distinction to its refreshing citrus notes.
Out Of Stock | No |
Weight (Kgs) | 2 |
Brand | Bull Dog |
Container Type | Glass |
Local or Imported | Imported |
Size | Single Unit |
Category | Gin |
Enable | No |
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