Woodford Reserve 750ml
The art of making fine bourbon first took place on the site of the Woodford Reserve Distillery, a National Historic Landmark, in 1812. The perfectly balanced taste of our Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is comprised of more than 200 detectable flavour notes, from bold grain and wood, to sweet aromatics, spice, and fruit & floral notes..
In stock
The art of making fine bourbon first took place on the site of the Woodford Reserve Distillery, a National Historic Landmark, in 1812. The perfectly balanced taste of our Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is comprised of more than 200 detectable flavour notes, from bold grain and wood, to sweet aromatics, spice, and fruit & floral notes..
Out Of Stock | No |
Weight (Kgs) | 1.5 |
Brand | Woodford |
origin | Kentucky |
Container Type | Glass |
Local or Imported | Imported |
Malt Type | Single Grain |
Size | Single Unit |
Region | Kentucky |
Category | Bourbon |
Whisky Type | Bourbon |
Enable | No |
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